Meet who produced your play!

The piece you buy at DEPEDRO is produced by people like Dona Marcia, Ana Cláudia and Vó Maria, who express their essence in handcrafted artwork. The result is products rich in beauty, affection and care, made to last.

Our production network is made up of seamstresses, embroiderers, lace makers and crocheters from the hinterland and coast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, who apply ancestral knowledge and skills from their communities in handmade fashion items.

By purchasing one of our pieces, you value and make popular culture and wisdom even more potent, generating a positive social, economic and ecological impact on those who relate to DEPEDRO.

Knowing this, wear with even more pride this beautiful piece that is a cultural and local manifestation of Brazil and that was produced by a sustainable chain that respects the Earth, its roots and its people.